It’s Time

In today’s comic we set up what may be an important moment in Molly’s life.

It’s a hectic time for Molly’s creator, so that’ll be it for today.  Be back Friday.


The Real You

Molly completes another bittersweet stage in her development, in today’s comic.

Speaking of bittersweet, it is Friday, but I have a lot of work to do before I sleep.  So back to it.



Good wednesday, folks; things are incredibly busy here, and I want to make sure I mention a few things.

First of all, in today’s comic, we get a good look at Molly’s greatest accomplishment and her reaction to it. It’s a huge moment for our girl, and I hope she feels all of the good things she deserves.

Secondly, Dana Atnip from Galactic Dragons has created a Molly Dragon to add to her cast! Look at her! Isn’t she amazing?! Go read that strip. It’s aces, and Dana herself is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet.

And Troy, AKA Mistah Marvel, AKA the man who brought us Juan Pool, has drawn our blue haired engineer enjoying a cup of joe with a couple of other lovely ladies; SPutzeeD on the Left, and his own Character RadNem in the center.  I love his style.  Go check out his work.

Speaking of work, I’m drowning in it, so back to it I go.



And here we are, in the first comic of Molly Beans, Season 2.

Why, after over two and a half years, and 270 comics, did I suddenly decide that this would be the proverbial second season?  Well, there are a number of reasons, but first and foremost I decided that I needed to give our girl’s strip a bit of a stylistic, dynamic boost; the kind of things I wanted to do before the final curtain wouldn’t fit well into the format of a strip rather than a proper graphic novel page (at least for me).

For another, I decided it was time to really start going hard in the paint, so to speak, as far as the practical applications of our girl’s deeply held philosophies and values.  To this end, I’m going to be emphasizing, hopefully in an entertaining way, the various aspects of the Chuck/Kim dichotomy.

Molly was or still is in love with both of these individuals, both of which represent opposing poles of philosophical (not necessarily political) values. How Molly feels toward them both will hopefully go a long way towards enabling her to find her own unshakable center, since as she herself said, Love is our involuntary response to virtue in another, if we are virtuous ourselves.  Who we love or who we are attracted to shows us a lot about ourselves, whether we choose to see it or not.

I hope that you will continue to read and enjoy as I continue down this road with Miss Beans.

As always, thanks for stopping by, reading, supporting, and letting me know where I go right and where I go wrong.


Season 2

And thus begins a new chapter in the life of our blue haired engineer.  I’m looking forward to trying some new things, exploring some new ideas, and wrapping up some threads I’ve opened or hinted at in the comic up until this point.

I’ll be exploring Molly’s philosophies, her ambitions, her growth as a person and as a fount of productive energy fueled by her love of her world and her life.  I’m going to further explore the ramifications of her relationship with her first love Kim, and how that will shape her outlook and her attitudes moving forward.  Chuck will  feature heavily as well, though I obviously don’t want to go into the hows and whys here.

Everything that happened from the first bit of continuity onward will have some bearing on where everything goes, if I don’t drop the ball.  Thanks for stopping by to read, support, and find out if I can avoid doing so.

I’m looking forward to any feedback concerning the next few strips, as I honestly hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Till then, folks, till then.




In today’s comic, we see that Sam will use any excuse to spend some more time with her best friend, and that also she’s honest about her motive, at least.

I’m getting ready to bring Molly’s story into a new phase, where a lot of things are going to start happening that will begin to tie together all of the hanging threads I’ve brought up over the last couple of years. I hope that, while it may be slow going in real time, reading the comic in bulk will be a satisfying experience.

There is a definite end in sight, and I’m going to start working towards it starting at the next update.

Speaking of updates, I’m behind on Call Me Chuck. I blame the shifting state of my employment situation, but now that the transition is calming down, I should be able to get back on track soon.

In any event, Molly and Chuck’s story will not be left without a conclusion, however long it takes me to get there. Thanks everyone for stopping by, reading, commenting, supporting.  I’ve had and continue to have a very fulfilling time producing each episode.

I’m on twitter if you want to chat directly, or gab.  I’m thinking I’m just going to nuke the facebook page, since a) I’ve been desirous of abandoning the platform for years, out of principle, and b) The site only shows each post to 5-10% of my followers unless I spend additional money.  So I may as well just be posting into the void.

In any event, I’ll be back Friday as always.




In today’s comic, we see just how quickly Molly’s internal dialogue travels.  Essentially, long enough to miss a question.  We’re talking a true neural network here.

Hard at work at the new job as well as some other things I’m just about ready to start showing off.  Here’s a preview.



More as I can!  Molly will be back Friday as usual.


Without Me

Today’s comic has Molly finally begins to articulate her thoughts fully about the Kims of the world.  She may have more to say on the topic later.  We’ll see.

It’s been a hectic week, so the comic today was done in silhouette strictly for artistic purposes and not because I had less than an hour to produce it.  I swear.

It’s an aesthetic statement, not a practical necessity.  Again, I swear.

Be back next week.
