Brain Drain

Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by for another Friday edition in the life of Molly Beans.  Molly is having a hard time being her usual self lately ever since learning that Chuck may be gone a bit longer than initially planned; not even Poppop doing geek homework seems to cheer her up.  Let’s see what happens.

Speaking of seeing what happens, I’ve had a habit of insinuating that I’ve been hard at work on something interesting for quite some time now.  While that technically may have been true, I’ve had a number of near misses and false starts as far as actually completing that interesting thing, and I have to admit that each time I’ve needed to postpone a proper announcement of this interesting thing it’s been a trifle on the frustrating side.  At least for me.

With that in mind, I’d like to, as they say, cut the crap and finally say that I’ve properly completed that interesting thing.  That interesting thing is:

Adobe Kroger, Knight Errant.   The first in a new series of Urban Fantasy novels, starring the titular young potty mouthed Holy Knight.  Feast your eyes on the finally completed trailer.  Look at how utterly completed it is.

The completed book is now completely available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and others in Hardcover, Paperback, and eBook.  I’m working on getting it added to Kindle Unlimited as well,  because I genuinely care.


This project has been in the works for some time, to say the least, and I’m thrilled, excited, and pleased at the final result.  If you’ve been enjoying Molly, why not stop by for a while in Adobe’s world?  If you do, consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads.  Seriously, that helps.

Speaking of Molly, next week there will be three comics as opposed to the regular two thanks to the incredible support I’ve received at the Patreon page.  We’re getting geared up here for a pivotal moment in the blue haired engineer’s life, and I can’t wait to get into it.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you all Monday!




This comic was posted in Comic.

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