A quickie today, something clearly exaggerated for the sake of humor (or is it?).
I wanted to be sure everyone had a chance to look at the new video content added to Molly’s Youtube Channel. They are audio only, but that’s mainly because it’s easier for me.
I’ll be letting my Patrons get first crack at any new editions of this content as usual; if you enjoy what you read and watch/listen to here and wish to support it, you may join their ranks for 1 dollar a month, which also gets you a cool Molly Sticker. Even that little amount makes a huge difference and goes a long way toward allowing me to spend more time producing this content and making it biggerer and betterer.
Speaking of content, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that RGBros, Don’t Hit Save, Galactic Dragons, and King of Slackers have content aplenty for your enjoyment. You’re welcome for telling you about that content.
I’ll have more comic content Friday.
Stop saying content. It’s sounding weird.
:Dan of the content