
In today’s comic, Molly realizes that she is most likely staring into an abyss.

2017 has been a fine year for this project; I’ve seen a fair amount of growth, a large amount of support for the project on Patreon, got the theme song finished and, in not entirely unrelated news, I’ve completed my book.   As the new year rolls around, I’ve got a few other things about ready to roll out, and I’ll do so as soon as time and completion permits.

Thanks to each and every last one of you who have stopped by to read, comment, and criticize Molly Beans this year. I’m going to be keeping it up, so stop on by each Wednesdaay and Friday in 2018 for more.

See you next year!


This comic was posted in Comic.

4 thoughts on “Patient

  1. Have I mentioned how much I look forward to Molly?
    An oversight.
    Thank you.
    And it’s not just the Pendleton’s talking.
    But maybe some

  2. It is precisely here that I’d be updating my LinkedIn page and giving 2 weeks notice.

    Fuck ’em. I have no time for this scrubby Office Space bullshit.

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