Phat Loot

In today’s comic Chuck invites Molly to a PUBG Sesh.  As Patreon backer Cam pointed out, is this his way of asking her out?  Molly has been known to leap to those sorts of conclusions before.

I’m hard at work on a lot of things, not the least of which is the second book in the series I recently began with this one.  For one thing, I should have another one of these ready once I can record the audio.  I’ll be talking about Molly’s boy Chuck this time.

For another, I’m hard at work on some simple animations.  I’m excited about the potential those present.

Oh, and for anyone who may have wanted more Chuck, I have something cool for you there too!

I hope to have more to show about all of the above before too long.  In the meantime, Molly Beans will continue to update as always.  Thanks for stopping by!


This comic was posted in Comic.

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