
In today’s comic, Molly learns a little something new about Poppop.  You know what I’ve learned? I’ve learned that Three comic weeks thanks to the support of fantastic people are challenging and rewarding, and I love that I’m in a position to need to do them.

Speaking of Patreon, I mentioned a while back that I would be exploring other options for anyone who wishes to support Molly Beans without supporting a platform whose practices they disagree with.  I myself can’t find fault in that, at all.  I’ve been meaning to set up properly on paypal and explore other creator  support options, like or’s premium subscriber features, or Makersupport.  I just haven’t had the time to do proper research.  I will try to do so this weekend.  Thanks to all who have supported via Patreon but could not in good conscience continue to do so; I am with you and will attempt to provide other options.

Anyway, once again I’m going to mention something I’ve already mentioned.  If you haven’t seen it yet, have a look at the main theme for Molly Beans, “Back From The Dead”!

Also, I’m going to mention something else again, because I think it’s pretty sweet.

I recently published my first in a series of Urban Fantasy novels, entitled Adobe Kroger, Knight Errant.   It tells the tale of the titular Adobe Kroger, an excommunicated holy knight who is about to have the time of her young life.  So to speak.  Have a look at the trailer!

The  book is now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and others in Hardcover, Paperback, and eBook.  I’m working on getting it added to Kindle Unlimited as well,  because I genuinely care.

This project has been in the works for some time, to say the least, and I’m thrilled, excited, and pleased at the final result.  If you’ve been enjoying Molly, why not stop by for a while in Adobe’s world?  If you do, consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads.  Seriously, that helps.

I’ll be back Friday with another comic. Thanks for stopping by!  Let me know what you think of the theme tune, the trailer, and, once you’ve read it (and you will, won’t you?), the book!


This comic was posted in Comic.

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