What Do You Do

In today’s comic we see a bit of the grounds and find out a bit about Charlie, who, as is indicated, is Bad News. I suppose she’s a Heathcliff fan.

I decided to have a reasonable facsimile made of the shirt bearing the helpful social cue, although sans glorious filth, and this is the result:

I may offer this as some sort of Raffle item, or perhaps a Patreon reward, or something.   I’ll see; I need to sort out all of the things I’m planning to do before they leak out the other side of my skull.

Here’s one of those things, a possible new series called “Draw and Talk”, in which I draw and talk about characters from the comic.  Here’s the first in that series, obviously about the titular character.  I do hope you enjoy it!


I also did a book.  check out the trailer and have a look at it on goodreads and amazon.  I’m extremely proud of it, and I’m feverishly hard at work on Book 2.  Leave a review, good bad or ugly;  everything helps, including and especially roasting.  It’s my first novel, and I’m open to and asking for opportunities to improve and grow.

Thanks Clay Lewisson for popping the Book’s Amazon review cherry!

I’ll be back Friday with more Molly Beans.




This comic was posted in Comic.

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