Asking For A Friend
In today’s comic, Molly and Chuck confer over another session of Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds. Chuck calls our girl out, and Molly must admit that she’s propping up her mildly below par coworker. Chuck expresses the same concerns Molly did, and our blue girl indicates that any attempts to do anything about it have been soundly rebuffed.
On my end, I’m hard at work on the Chuck Centric Spin off comic debuting next month. As I mentioned before, it will be tonally and stylistically distinct from this comic, in that it will focus more on narrative and will be laid out and presented more like a long form graphic novel than a short form serial strip. It will not supplant or replace Molly’s comic; it will only serve as an adjunct, hopefully expanding the world these characters inhabit.
I’m able to devote this extra time to these projects thanks to the support of people like these over at the patreon campaign. If you enjoy what you see, and would like more, even a dollar a month tells me that I’m on the right track.
Thanks for stopping by!