In case you’re new or just forgot, the camera being referenced in today’s comic was introduced here. I suppose the takeaway from Scott’s tale is not to waste time wondering; the sooner you get closure the sooner you can move on. And the sooner you can realize whether or not it was worth waiting for. Maybe.
The next comic will be Friday, of course, which won’t entail nearly as much of a wait as Scott went through.
Hahahaha!!!! That’s amazing. XD
And good for him because, well, now he won’t have any regrets for not doing it. 🙂
If anything, he regrets not finding out he didn’t like it sooner. 🙂
Is it better to have a false dream or a disappointing former dream? Sure, finding out it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be means he doesn’t have to regret not doing it, but maybe the dream itself was sweet while it lived.
A good way of looking at it!