
In today’s comic we see what Charlie does for a living.

While you’re here, I’m excited  to announce that I have opened up BlueDanBOB’s Pub, a shiny new forum for those who enjoy stopping by and checking out Molly Beans.  The name comes from the location in the strip of the same name.

One thing I’ve been considering for a while ( a long while) is my general distaste for certain social media platforms. I’m well aware that content creators live and die by how well they maintain their communities and how they interact with those who take the time to read/watch/play what we make.

Back when I did this content thing the first time around, we all were responsible not only for building our communities, but maintaining the platforms on which they resided. There were no monolithic centralized sites and apps that everyone ended up on. While big social may have ostensibly taken over the heavy lifting for us, the reality is that, at least from where I sit, the communities don’t feel as tightly knit, and they can’t quite gel or connect.   And that’s if the community can even see what you share.  With over 3,600 people following Molly Beans on Facebook, an average of 150 people see anything I share, unless of course I pay to boost or set up a custom campaign where I have to specify precise regions per campaign rather that just to everyone who already liked the page.

So, I think it’s time to get back to my roots. BACK IN MY DAY… we had our OWN communities and social networks. AND WE LIKED IT.

Have a look at the forum’s nice mobile friendly, responsive layout; I heard mobile browsing was getting popular, so I made sure that was all buttoned up.

Also…what’s this? custom Molly smilies? Yep! Thanks to Heather (the real Heather, upon whom Molly’s artist pal is based) for making those possible.

Go sign up and let’s start talking!  I’ve added a link to the navigation, way up there.

I’ll also be live streaming on the Twitch soon, playing games I’m lousy at and generally relaxing and shooting the breeze with anyone who wants to hang out. Looking into a discord channel as well. I’m very excited about all this!

I’ll still be posting as usual on the Facebook Page, Twitter, and the Subreddit for the time being,  but obviously I’d far rather talk with you all on my own platforms.

Thanks again for stopping by; Don’t forget to have a look at Chuck’s spinoff comic, starting here.  I will have fresh pages available in the next couple weeks.

New Call Me Chuck Update

Thanks to all the people who have supported the comic for making Chuck’s comic possible.

You may also wish to check out my book.


This comic was posted in Comic.

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